Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Lunch

The not so good grilled liempo...sssshhh
My birthday!!! Well, many thought I'll be having my usual pasta and cake for my birthday but now its different. Since I've been going to a lot of restos for the past week, I think my tastebuds craved for something simple. I'm not in the mood of cooking right now because I really wanted to relax and take time for pampering my tired self. So we just went to Tiendesitas and took our lunch in SM Hypermart just across tiendesitas. We were supposed to eat at Savory but it's fullpacked and can't wait for our turn to e seated, we just decided to eat at the food court where they will cook on the spot whatever dish you like. But since I crave for a simple menu, i had grilled liempo and pinakbet for my lunch. We also had pork sisig but I wasn't able t take picture of it. When it landed on the table, it was like washed away so driftly. Anyway, honestly speaking, I didn't enjoy the grilled liempo. Not good as I've expected. But the sisig is very delicious. I won't be eating here ever again...ssssh I think I should not give out the name of the kiosk first...hehehehe


Marites said...

i got intrigued tuloy sa kiosk:) anyway, the liempo looks good in the picture so thought it tastes good too.

Unknown said...

It doesn't look tasty nga mare. Anyway, I hope you had fun on your bday.

rochelle said...

hahahah..sorry but sometimes there are things that really looked good in the outside but poor in quality..=(