Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday Lunch

We spent our sunday at SM Megamall. All I thought is that we'll be having our lunch in one of the famous buffet bar. I forgot about my little eating - contrabello. heheeh I'm talking about my kiddo. Whenever we decide where to eat our Sunday Lunch, it was always him who will always, always ask for KFC. Hmmpf! If we are not going to give way to this little contrabello, I'm sure our whole afternoon will be a total disaster. Well, I have nothing against KFC Chicken. Actually, it's one of my favorite fast foods. But, damn! Sunday is my treat day. I've been trying to diet the whole week and expecting to eat a little goody goody on sundays but.... well, enough of these sentiments. Ok in other words, my kiddo won again this time and we headed straight to KFC. I ordered 1 piece original chicken, same thing with my kiddo. My hubby had large hotshots. I was not satisfied not because it was just KFC, but simply because I was expecting more. So I have to wait for another week so I can eat what I want. haaaay...!!! I purposely did not take pictures because I already memorized how the chickie chicken looks in KFC. I mean who doesn't? Do I sound so rude??? Well no , just a little dissatisfied...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hahahaha! Well, at least you had a Sunday lunch ...